AR9310 9-Channel DSMX Carbon Fuselage Receiver (SPMAR9310) - Spektrum | RC-LEADER

0,00 €
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Sold by: Status: Available Soon


Key Features

  • DSMX® technology
  • Feeder antennas offer superior RF coverage mounted on the outside of the fuselage
  • Streamlined case for installation versatility
  • DuaLink® technology
  • MultiLink™ technology
  • QuickConnect™
  • Molded antenna exit guides
  • Flight log compatible
  • Preset failsafe
  • Includes DVD installation and setup video
  • US patent 7,391,320
  • 1-Year Limited Warranty


The Spektrum™ AR9310 DSMX® 9-channel receiver is designed for carbon fiber fuselage installations.  Carbon fiber can create an RF shielding effect that can significantly reduce radio range when using conventional receivers and antennas.  The AR9310 receiver features an antenna design that overcomes RF issues in these critical environments.

Always purchase products from a Horizon Hobby, Inc. authorized dealer to ensure authentic high-quality Spektrum product. Horizon Hobby, Inc. disclaims all support and warranty with regards, but not limited to, compatibility and performance of counterfeit products or products claiming compatibility with DSM2®, DSMX® or Spektrum products.

Attention: Horizon Hobby has confirmed that all Spektrum Products being sold by KoKo Technology are counterfeit. We consider it a danger to use these products, waive all liability and will not support any warranty or service in regards to them.

This product is not intended for use by children under 14 years of age without direct adult supervision.

Detailed Information

How-To - Antenna Placement When Using Remote Receivers

Nuovo prodotto




Scarica (1.92M)

Product Specifications

Antenna Length Rx: 203.2mm (2) Remote: 203.2mm (1)
Band 2.4GHz
Channels 9
Input Voltage 3.5-9.6V
Modulation DSMX
Range Full
XPlus Compatible No


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